You want or you outsourcing the Consolidation of your group : Thinking at AC&S

You are maybe in one of these three situations:

– You have not yet made the choice of your partner,

– The deliverables are not adapted to the piloting of your group,

– Or that you are not satisfied with your current partner,

So it’s time to consult.

But, why AC&S would not be your Partner!

AC&S is:

– expert’s team (more than 15 years of experience) having a double experience (firm & company)

– closing processus appropriate to each one, meeting your normative containts (IFRS, US, French GAAP)

– a customizable setting, adaptable to your business constraints and deadlines



…. a very competitive rate built according to your size, your deadlines, in brief your needs.


For us,

Same if you outsourced, the consolidation must also be YOUR performance management tool.


So do not hesitate to contact us: